Information and Communications Engineering Master of Science Program Courses
As part of their graduation requirements, students enrolled in Information and Communications Engineering Master of Science Program, must take at least one course from the list of mathematics courses below.
BLU502E - Optimization Methods in Informatics
BLU521E - Theory of Complex Variable Functions
BLU526E - Mathematical Methods for Signal Processing
BLU614E - Method of Moment in Electromagnetics
BGK505E - Discrete Mathematics
BBL501E - Probability and Stochastic Processes
Recommended courses for various course groups are given below:
Bioinformatics Course Group
Thermal Systems in Cloud Infrastructure Course Group
Electronics Communications and Applications Course Group
Data Processing and Applications Course Group
Other Courses
Bioinformatics Course Group
BLU 530/E Algorithmic Bioinformatics, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
The basic pipelines used in analysis of high-throughput DNA sequence analysis, the basic algorithms and data structures along with the world-wide accepted bioinformatics tools, theoretical knowledge and practical experience on assembly, alignment, variation detection, gene finding, massive biological data management, international biological databases. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 532/E Applied informatics in structural biology, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Structural bioinformatics, Fundamentals of protein, DNA and RNA structure, Structure-based biological databases and online services, Visualization of Biomolecules, Sequence alignments, Structure alignments and classification, Protein secondary and three-dimensional structure prediction, Nucleic acid secondary and three-dimensional structure prediction, Protein-protein interaction modeling, Structural bioinformatics for membrane proteins [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 511/E Medical Decision Making, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Introduction to Medical Decision Making. Linear Prediction for Time Series. One and Two-Dimensional Transforms. Spectral Information. Multi-Dimensional Feature Space: Distribution of Feature Vectors. Feature Selection for Medical Data. Statistical Methods and ROC Analysis for Medical Data. Decision Analysis: Decision Surfaces. Classifiers in Medical Decision Making. Artificial Neural Networks as Classifiers and their training. Decision Making Under Uncertainty. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 510/E Medical Informatics, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
An introduction to the fundamental principles of medical informatics. Computer-based tools in health care, human computer interfaces. An introduction to computer applications in medicine. Medical records, database, data representation, data acquisition and presentation. Biological signal processing. Knowledge-based systems. Medical artificial intelligence. Medical decision and analysis. Introduction to health information systems: communication and networks. Telemedicine and Internet applications. Advance topics in biomedical informatics. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 502/E Optimization Methods in Informatics, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Introduction to Optimization, Linear Programming: Allocation, Covering, and Blending Models, Linear Programming: Network Models-Special Network Models, Linear Programming: Network Models-General Network Models, Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programs, Patterns, Nonlinear Programming Models, Portfolio Model, Integer Programming: Binary Choice Models, Integer Programming: Logical Constraints, Location Models, Nonlinear Programming, Heuristic Solutions with the Evolutionary Solver- Traveling Salesperson Problem, Cluster Analysis. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 506/E Data Analysis and Decision Making, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
System Approach: Data Analysis, Decision Making, Structuration of Data and Decision Making, Statistical Thinking, Decision Making under Uncertainty, Decision Trees and Effect Diagrams, Risk and Uncertainty Management, Game Theory, Scenario Planning, Decision Support Systems, Group Decision Making, Organizational Learning. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 537/E Data Analysis and Visualization, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Data analysis applications, Data Structures in Python, String objects and regular expressions for pattern search, Class, file management and important modules in Python, Case-study on unstructured data, Numpy array operations, Data Cleaning and Filtering with PANDAS, Data merging, joining and reshaping with PANDAS, Data aggregations and group operations with PANDAS, Time series analysis with PANDAS, Storrytelling and visual communication, Application of common plot types, Plotting Multiple Graphs, Subplots and Figures, Customizing color and styles [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
Thermal Systems in Cloud Infrastructure Course Group
BLU 524/E Data Center Infrastructure and Energy Efficiency, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Data Centers (DC), Information Technology (IT) Equipment, Cooling and IT Performance, Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical Design of DCs, IT Equipment Environmental Conditions, DC Infrastructure Cooling and Energy Efficiency, Ventilation and Free Cooling Technologies, Particulate and Gaseous Contamination in DCs, DC Infrastructure Management, DC Infrastructure Financial Analysis, DC Benchmarks, Green DC Case Studies [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 525/E Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Energy, heat and work. Thermodynamic properties of pure substances. Laws of thermodynamics. Control Volume Analysis. Fluid statics and dynamics. Momentum and energy equations. Dimensional Analysis, Internal and External Flow, Modes of heat transfer; Heat transfer through conduction, convection and radiation. Applications of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer in data centers and electronic systems. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 523/E Cooling and Air-Conditioning in Data Centers, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Psychrometrics, heating and cooling load calculation, HVAC system components, data center cooling infrastructure, vapor compression cycle, absorption cooling systems, free cooling systems in data centers, advanced cooling methods for high density data centers [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 502/E Optimization Methods in Informatics, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Introduction to Optimization, Linear Programming: Allocation, Covering, and Blending Models, Linear Programming: Network Models-Special Network Models, Linear Programming: Network Models-General Network Models, Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programs, Patterns, Nonlinear Programming Models, Portfolio Model, Integer Programming: Binary Choice Models, Integer Programming: Logical Constraints, Location Models, Nonlinear Programming, Heuristic Solutions with the Evolutionary Solver- Traveling Salesperson Problem, Cluster Analysis. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 506/E Data Analysis and Decision Making, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
System Approach: Data Analysis, Decision Making, Structuration of Data and Decision Making, Statistical Thinking, Decision Making under Uncertainty, Decision Trees and Effect Diagrams, Risk and Uncertainty Management, Game Theory, Scenario Planning, Decision Support Systems, Group Decision Making, Organizational Learning. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
Electronics Communications and Applications Group
BLU 501/E Electronics Communication Regulations, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Electronics communication systems (ECS), the sizes related to Electronics communication (EC) market, general view to regulations, authorization of fixed and mobile operators, competition policy, market analyses, access, interconnection, cost models, tariff regulations, spectrum management, spectrum monitoring, numbering regime, number portability, universal service. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 533/E Advanced Electromagnetic Theory I, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Maxwell’s equations. Properties of matter. Poynting theorem and complex power. Wave propagation in unbounded media. Reflection and transmission of plane wave. Transmission lines. Waveguides. Radiation from antennas. Duality, image methods. Equivalence principle. Reciprocity. Fields in half space. Green’s functions. Plane wave functions, and analytical and numerical techniques for solving field problems. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 534/E Advanced Electromagnetic Theory II, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Cylindrical wave functions. Radial waveguides. Scattering by cylinders. Spherical wave and sources. Scattering by wedges. The spherical cavity and resonators. Maximum antenna gain. Cylindrical waveguides. Modal expansions in waveguides. The network concept, one-port networks, two-port networks. Waveguide feeds. Excitation of apertures. Perturbational techniques for cavities and waveguides. Stationary formulas for waveguides. Stationary formulas for scattering. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 529/E Modeling and Analysis of Markovian Sytems, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Review of probability theory and random processes, memoryless property, Markov property, renewal processes, Poisson process, discrete- and continuous-time Markov chains, classification, properties, Chapman–Kolmogorov equations, steady-state solutions, birth-death processes, balance equations, Little's Law, M/M/1, M/M/k, M/M/k/k and M/M/k/k/N systems, Erlang formulas, Markovian arrival process (MAP) arrivals, phase-type service times, Aloha systems, other special topics [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 508/E Mobile Telecommunication Network Planning and Management, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Market structure, change and enhancements in the mobile telecommunications industry. The effects of convergence. Network management components and functions. Network management and planning. Security, intrusion detection and fault management techniques. Various applications.[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits
BLU 521/E Theory of a ComplexVariable Functions, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Definition of Complex plane, Riemann surface, multi-valued functions such as square-root and logarithmic function. Derivative in complex domain, analytic function and Laplace equation. Introduction to conformal mapping and its application to boundary value problems. Residue theorem and its application to evaluate definite integrals. Infinite series, power series, Taylor and Laurent expansion of functions. Determination of analytic continuation of function. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 5**/E Cooperative Wireless Communication Systems Design, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Propagation in wireless communications. Channel models in wireless communications: Rayleigh, Nakagami-m. Composite channel models: Generalized-K and cascaded channel models, Mixture Gamma/LogNormal distribution models. Simulation of wireless channel models. MIMO systems and antenna diversity methods. Receive antenna diversity: Selection Combining (SC), Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC), Equal-Gain Combining (EGC). Transmit antenna diversity: Transmit antenna selection, Space-Time Block Coding (STBC), Space-Time Trellis Coding (STTC). Classical cooperative communication systems: communication protocols, AF and DF signalling schemes. Antenna diversity methods in cooperative communication: (Relay and Antenna selection). Physical Layer Network Coding (PLNC). Cooperative M2M/V2V communication systems.. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
Data Processing and Applications Course Group
BLU 526/E Mathematical Methods for Signal Processing, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Mathematical methods for signal processing and signal Spaces. Representation and Approximation in Vector Spaces. Linear Operators and Matrix Inverses. Some Important Matrix Factorizations (LU, Cholesky and QR Factorizations). Fourier transform, sampling theory, Fourier series. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. The Singular Value Decomposition. Special Matrices and Their Applications (Permutation, Toeplitz, Vandermonde, Circulant). Kronecker Products and its applications.
[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 527/E Optimum Signal Processing, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Introduction to Optimum Signal Processing. Random signals. Signal Processing Applications: Filtering of Stationary Random Signals. System Identification by Cross-Correlation Methods. Noise Reduction and Signal Enhancement Filters. Introduction to Linear Prediction. Gapped Functions, Levinson and Schur Recursions. Spectral Factorization. Linear Estimation of Signals. Linear Prediction. Spectrum Estimation.
[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits] BLU 506/E Data Analysis and Decision Making, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
System Approach: Data Analysis, Decision Making, Structuration of Data and Decision Making, Statistical Thinking, Decision Making under Uncertainty, Decision Trees and Effect Diagrams, Risk and Uncertainty Management, Game Theory, Scenario Planning, Decision Support Systems, Group Decision Making, Organizational Learning. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 5**/E Data Analysis and Visualization, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Big data analysis applications. Data aggregation and group operations. Numpy and SciPy libraries. Data analysis library: PANDAS. Advanced plotting applications. Unsupervised learning applications. Predictive model building. Ensemble Methods applications. Obtaining data from social media platforms. Analysis of social media data. Analysis and visualisation of social network connections. Data structures and algorithms used in Natural Language Processing. Natural language processing. Mining web pages using Natural language processing. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
Other Courses
BLU 509/E Data Acquisition with Embedded Linux System, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Sensors, Instrumentation Amplifiers, Filters, Power Supplies. Wireless Communication Modules. Microcontrollers in Data Acquisition Processes: Data Conversion, Transmission and Programming Samples. Introduction to Circuit Drawing Software. Introduction to Qt Developer and Basic C Programming. Introduction to Embedded Operating Systems. Basic Operations in Embedded Linux Systems: Setting, Installing, Programming and Scripts. Introduction to Device Driver Design. Data Transmission Applications via Wireless Communication. Data Transmission Applications on the Network. Basic Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition Applications via OpenCV Library. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 513/E Fuzzy Logic Principles for Science and Engineering Applications, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Uncertainty Concepts; Classical Sets and Characteristic Values; Fuzzy Sets and Membership Degrees; Membership Functions; Fuzzification; Fuzzy Set Operations, And, Or and Not; Fuzzy Relationships; Fuzzy Mathematics, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division; Fuzzy Rule Base, “if-then”; Fuzzy Logic Propositions, Predicates, Consequents and Decisions; Defuzzification, Fuzzy Rules and Systems, Applications. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 505/E Business Process Management, (3+0) (Type: Compulsory)
Introduction to BPM, Management by Process, How to measure process performance?, Advanced Process Modeling in BPMN, Quantitative Process Analysis, Qualitative Process Analysis, Process Redesign,Requirements Elicitation for Process Automation, Process Automation, Process Monitoring and Mining [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 512/E Intelligent Optimization Methods for Energy Systems, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Simulated Annealing Method, Tabu Search Method, Genetic Algorithms, Differential Evolution Method,
Partical Swarm Optimization, Harmoni Search Method, Ant Colony Optimization, Artificial Bee Colony Optimization, Gravitational Search Algorithm, Electrical Transmission Systems Applications, Electrical Distribution System Applications, Smart Grid Applications. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 518/E Cyberlaw, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Introduction to Information Security and Technical Investigation, Cyber Crimes in Turkish Law, Computer Forensics Techniques, e-Procurement Information Security Law, Computers, Society And Individuals: E-Individuals’ Society, e-Government: Concept and Implementation, e-Commerce, Debates on Freedom of Expression on the Internet and Digital Activism, Management of Information Systems, Cyber Space, Communication (Telecommunication) Systems Infrastructures, Network Security, Information and Communications Technology Law Practices [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 519/E Intelligent Transportation Systems, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
An Introduction to ITS, ITS Standards, ITS Architecture, Advanced Traffic Management Systems, Advanced Traveler Information Systems, Advanced Vehicle Control Systems, Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) Technologies, Connected Vehicle Technology and Applications, Advanced Public Transportation Systems, ITS Mobile Applications ITS Security Topics, Improving Highway Safety with ITS, Economics of ITS, Revenue Generation Models, Image Processing Application in ITS, Review and Discussion. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 522/E Cartooning Animation, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Digital signals and systems, digital image and video generation; sketch, caricature, face and character design; design and analysis of articulated 3D models for creating facial animation includes designing expressive 3D faces; story telling for animation, early and modern techniques in animation; articulated figure animations; sound effects in animation. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 536/E IT Strategy Management, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Strategic management and Corporate strategy theories, Strategy implementation, control and organisation design, IT strategy, Strategic and operational IT management, IT Strategy Management, Business in IT organisation / CIO and IT executives to task, IT strategy system and architectural, Information systems architecture, system architecture, Data modelling basics IT sourcing strategy management [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 5**/E Special Topics in Applied Informatics, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
Aside from fields such as computer science, electronics and communications; informatics applications are encountered in very diverse areas such as biology, health, space technologies, astronomy, law, mathematics, linguistics, energy, social media, business and education. Therefore, the diversity of the courses given in the applied informatics doctoral program has great importance. Within this context, courses with different subjects that do not comprise subjects of other courses will be given. Topics may chance depending on the new research activities in applied informatics.[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 5**/E Digital Forensics, (3+0) (Type: Elective)
The ISO-IEC 27037 Standard (Guidelines for Identification, Collection, Acquisition and Preservation of Digital Evidence). Council of Europe Electronic Evidence Guidelines (COE- EEG).The basics of digital forensics: identifying, preserving and collecting evidence. Presenting digital evidence to trial courts. Building forensic software tools. To use tools efficiently to process digital evidences..[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]
BLU 596/E Scientific Research, Ethic and Seminar, (0) (Type: Compulsory)
Definition and development of science, scientific research approach, literature survey, research design, quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, data gathering, writing techniques for thesis, project, and scientific article, ethical principles to be followed when conducting research, ethical principles to be followed when publishing, citation ethics, tips for a successful presentation, students presentations within the scope of their thesis topics/own engineering field. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]